Automated Cell Counting
Automated counting offers the opportunity to improve fermentation processes, as well as savings in time, costs and sanity.
Cellmate is a software solution for counting cells from a microscope image and producing calculations and analysis. It has been designed with a focus on yeast cells for propagation & pitching in breweries & wineries, but has potential applications for all ovoid cells and ovoids of all kinds, actually.

How it works
In addition to the familiar manual process with a microscope & hemocytometer, Cellmate takes an image from a microscope camera (or a (cell)phone camera and a steady hand,) counts the cells, calculates cells per millilitre, viability (based on any stains,) and desired pitch rate.
Features & Benefits
- Counting more cells improves accuracy. Auto count upto four Neubauer small squares in a single image* and upto 600 cells per Neubauer "small square" (0.2mm²)
- Results in seconds
- Easy manual correction for perfect results
- Use your existing microscope** & (Neubauer/Thoma) cytometer
- Record count data, alongside other data (temp, dissolved oxygen, etc.) to master your fermentation
* requires a 20x microscope objective lens & 2MegaPixel+ microscope camera with a 0.5x reduction lense. A 40x objective will capture
a single Neubauer small square.
** Most Compound, brightfield microscopes & a wide range of camera devices are compatible
Start Counting with Cellmate Today
Cellmate is now open for users to join the second stage of "beta" testing. The first phase has been successful in an number of environments and with various combinations of user equipment. Many bugs have been removed, but it's quite certain that many remain.
The latest stage of testing involves a free initial six month licence, extended for active testers.
If you're ready to take part in this stage of testing, get your licence now.
Any and all questions and inquiries are welcome. Please email or via the Contact page